It has been a dream of mine for the past 12+ years to work with the Legendary Roots Crew, and luckily enough Recycle Love, ‘the Art and Soul of” ETC.STUDIOS, was asked to work on the visual branding for the 6th Annual Roots Jam Session! I put much time and love into an illustration that I felt represented the band at it’s essence. Something that would would visually read ‘roots’ and ‘band’ immediately. This year’s Roots Jam, produced byKeldof Marketing, and Tina Farris Tours, partnered with the launch of Reverb’s non-profit coalition: Green Music Group and thus took on a more ‘green’ and ‘environmental’ feel. Stay tuned for updates on how to get one of the 500 limited edition Lithographs I signed and numbered (a few with many musicians) and all profits going towards the non-profit. The concert was amazing, the night fun, and I was even lucky enough to meet some of the tremendously appreciative band (Quest and Tuba specifically!).