Augus 2013 HONOLULU Magazine
A Man, A Plan, An Island: Lāna‘i (pg. 42)
Tech billionaire Larry Ellison has set out to transform the
pineapple isle into a "laboratory for sustainability." 

100 Best Dishes & Drinks in Hawai‘i (after pg. 48)
Homes on the historic register are beautiful relics of an older Hawai‘i,
but what are they like to actually live in?
Reach For The Sky (pg. 50)
Once UH students fling their Hiaka satellite into space,
this place might never again be the same. 
Design Director: Erik Ries
Associate Art Director: Angelica Rabang
Design Interns: Erica Kunihisa, Mariah Rocker, Lenie Suetos
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