Lucky We Live Honolulu (pg. 49)
People say it all the time: Lucky we live Hawai‘i. The phrase rolls
off the tongue almost without thought. But as we were putting together
this month's package of features we realized: you know what? We really are lucky.
Hawaiian: Dead or Alive? (pg. 52)
Thousands more young people today speak ‘ōlelo Hawai‘i
(Hawaiian Language) than did their counterparts 30 years ago.
Or at least they're schooled in it. But is that enough to revive a language?
Life O Kai (pg. 56)
Hawai‘i's surrounded by more ocean than anywhere else on the planet,
and it offers us endless opportunities for fun.
Hawai‘i's Most Endangered Places (pg. 63)
Celebrating the best of the worst of 2013
- the dumb, the deranged, and the indefensible.